polish, first week

This week we didn't add any new elements to the game, we polished the previous stuff we had and we also fixed some bugs.

Player movement is more organic now, taking smoother turns instead of snapping to an angle.

Now the balls, instead of all of them giving yellow light, each ball gives light in accordance to its color. So the blue ball gives blue light, red gives red light, etc.

The same goes for the indication that they're momentarily invinsible

Also, because we forgot about the grass lights during black-out, we added them now as well

We have also worked on some bug-fixes. For example, the player sometimes went outside the wall. That's fixed now. We also noticed the players just layed on the arena when they died, so now they get removed from the scene, making it look less clustered.

We also changed the rate of the hazards spawning, making the game more enjoyable to play.


Group30_PursueBall_Polish1.zip 29 MB
May 07, 2020

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